Gro harlem brundtland

Daværende statsminister Gro Harlem Brundtland sammen med Gorbatsjov på toppen av regjeringsbygningen i juni 1991. Hun var Norges første kvinnelige statsminister og den første kvinnelige lederen i Arbeiderpartiet fra 1981 til 1992.

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Le développement durable est un développement qui répond aux besoins du présent sans compromettre la capacité des générations futures à répondre aux leurs citation de Mme Gro Harlem Brundtland Premier Ministre norvégien 1987.

. 1 Coordenado pela então primeira-ministra da Noruega Gro Harlem Brundtland a Comissão Mundial sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento originou um documento no qual houve a disseminação da ideia de desenvolvimento sustentável conceito o. Sponsored by the United Nations UN and chaired by Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland the WCED. The Brundtland Report stated that critical global environmental problems were primarily the result of the enormous poverty of.

I Bærum 20 de abril de 1939 es una política noruega miembro del Partido LaboristaOcupó el cargo de primera ministra de Noruega en tres ocasiones 1981 1986-1989 y 1990-1996. August Gorbatsjov var en leder som maktet å endre historien og utløse enorme positive krefter i sin samtid sier Brundtland i en uttalelse. Gro Harlem Brundtland var blant dem som advarte mot at en pandemi ville komme.


I envision a world in which everyone can live healthy productive lives regardless of who they are or where they live. It developed guiding principles for sustainable development as it is generally understood today. Als erste Frau war sie von 1981 bis 1992 Vorsitzende der sozialdemokratischen Arbeiderpartiet Ap.

Gro Harlem Brundtland i samtale med Anne Grosvold. The document came to be known as the Brundtland Report after the Commissions chairwoman Gro Harlem Brundtland. Première ministre par trois fois entre 1981 et 1996 elle a passé près de dix ans au pouvoir et dirigé lOrganisation mondiale de la santé OMS de 1998 à 2003.

Como gobernante se enfrentó a una crisis económica severa en la década de 1980 cuando implementó medidas de austeridad que le atrajeron impopularidad. Gro Harlem Brundtland née Harlem le 20 avril 1939 à Bærum est une femme dÉtat norvégienne membre du Parti travailliste AP quelle a présidé de 1981 à 1992. Morten Hvaal NTB.

Sa rédaction remonte à 1987 à loccasion de la Commission mondiale sur lenvironnement et le développement présidée par la Norvégienne Gro Harlem Brundtland pour le compte des Nations Unies. Le rapport Notre avenir à tous dit rapport Brundtland est le texte fondateur du développement durable. Brundtland Report also called Our Common Future publication released in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development WCED that introduced the concept of sustainable development and described how it could be achieved.

It seemed that economic development at the cost of ecological health and social equity. The Brundtland Commission formerly the World Commission on Environment and Development was a sub-organization of the United Nations UN that aimed to unite countries in pursuit of sustainable developmentIt was founded in 1983 when Javier Pérez de Cuéllar the Secretary-General of the United Nations appointed Gro Harlem Brundtland former Prime Minister of. Harlem Brundtland wurde als.

In 1983 the United Nations convened the World Commission on Environment and Development WCED known informally by the name of its chair Gro Harlem Brundtland. A Comissão Mundial sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento foi criada pela Organização das Nações Unidas ONU presidida por Gro Harlem Brundtland criada com os seguintes principais objetivos. Our Common Future Chairmans Foreword A global agenda for change - this was what the World Commission on Environment and Development was asked to formulate.

April 1939 kjent som Gro Harlem Brundtland er en norsk tidligere lege og politiker Hun var miljøvernminister 19741979 og hun var statsminister i tre perioder. Whether nuclear power should be considered a form of renewable energy is an ongoing subject of debate. Dit rapport staat ook wel bekend als het Brundtland-rapport genoemd naar de Noorse ex-premier Gro Harlem Brundtland die voorzitter was van deze.

El Informe Brundtland es un informe publicado en 1987 para las Naciones Unidas que enfrenta y contrasta la postura del desarrollo económico actual junto con el de la sustentabilidad ambientalRealizado por la Comisión Brundtland y liderado por la ex primera ministra noruega Gro Harlem Brundtland el texto tiene el propósito de analizar criticar y replantear las políticas de. I believe the global commitment to sustainable development enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals offers a unique opportunity to address the social economic and political determinants of health and improve the health and wellbeing of people everywhere. Gro Brundtland Norwegian pronunciation.

Born Gro Harlem 20 April 1939 is a Norwegian politician Arbeiderpartiet who served three terms as the 29th prime minister of Norway 1981 198689 and 199096 and as the director-general of the World Health Organization from 1998 to 2003. Statutory definitions of renewable energy usually exclude many present nuclear energy technologies with the notable exception of the state of Utah. Duurzame ontwikkeling is het kernbegrip in het rapport Our Common Future dat in 1987 werd uitgebracht door de VN-Commissie Brundtland maar is al eerder gebruikt bijvoorbeeld door de IUCN.

Gro Brundtland født 20. April 1939 in Bærum ist eine norwegische Politikerin und war dreimal Ministerpräsidentin 1981 19861989 und 19901996. Le Rapport Brundtland est le nom communément donné à une publication officiellement intitulée Notre avenir à tous Our Common Future rédigée en 1987 par la Commission mondiale sur lenvironnement et le développement de lOrganisation des Nations unies présidée par la Norvégienne Gro Harlem BrundtlandUtilisé comme base au Sommet de la Terre de 1992 ce.

Propor novas formas de cooperação internacional nesse campo. Our Common Future also known as the Brundtland Report was published on October 1987 by the United Nations through the Oxford University PressThis publication was in recognition of Gro Harlem Brundtlands former Norwegian Prime Minister role as Chair of the World Commission on Environment and Development WCED. Først i 1981 så fra 1986 til 1989 og igjen fra 1990 til 1996.

Gro Harlem Brundtland. Relatório Brundtland é o documento intitulado Nosso Futuro Comum Our Common Future publicado em 1987. Hun har både vært norsk statsminister og verdens helsesjef.

Dette bekreftet hun på det offentlige arrangementet Et møte med Gro i forbindelse. Nå reflekterer hun rundt hvor vi nå er i en kaotisk verden. Elle a présidé à la rédaction du rapport Notre.

Gro Harlem Brundtland 20. Dictionary-sourced definitions of renewable energy technologies often omit or explicitly exclude mention of nuclear energy. Reexaminar as questões críticas relativas ao meio ambiente e reformular propostas realísticas para abordá-las.

Its targets were multilateralism and interdependence. After decades of effort to raise living standards through industrialization many countries were still dealing with extreme poverty. Nyheter Gro Harlem Brundtland smittet med omikron da hun deltok på prinsesse Ingrid Alexandras 18 års dag.

ARENDAL VG Ap-legenden Gro Harlem Brundtland mener hennes tidligere elev Jonas Gahr Støre har en mye vanskeligere jobb enn hun hadde som statsminister i krisetider. The Brundtland Comissions report Our Common Future 1987 contains one of the most often cited definitions of sustainability. She is also known for having chaired the Brundtland.

Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland to run the new World Commission on Environment and Development1.

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